Thursday, 28 February 2013

On 2013

2013 has been a hell of a year thus far and I am so happy it is just getting started. Today though I am sick and have just eaten a sad sad yoghurt jello. See, I decided to take a little more action in my university life and joined the alumni association. I am Projects Coordinator in my career. Yesterday we had a little party thing in campus called Dia Anahuac, which is this thing were bands play and there's food and games and a lot of people show up. Last year I showed up. To take a look at the campus, ask about the career and ended up staying for the concert at night. Well, a couple of months passed and this week I found out that the people in charge of the event and those who charged me my $50 mxn were those of the alumni association. Now standing on the entries to campus must be a tiring thing to do. Specially with the heat. But hey! we were told free food. And you have to be a fool to turn down free food. 
Turns out I should've been a fool. 
Woke up at 3 am today with his god awful pain in my stomach. Low blood pressure and... bowel movements. 

So why is being sick today worth writing about if I haven't done any posts in a while? Because today as sick as I may be is also a happy day. Today around 9 something my new baby niece was born :D so excited about this baby that we have anxiously waited for. 

Haven't seen her yet. Do to the fact that I have to be at waking distance to a bathroom otherwise I might die. But rumour has it that she is pretty (as me, so let's just say, if this rumour happens to be true, she is freaking gorgeous) a little bit fat and has curly hair :) Hopefully later today I'll see a photo up in facebook and see for myself. 
Her name is Ana Pau and she has the most awesome mom and the greatest dad ever. I can't wait to be called best auntie :) 

School has been tougher than expected. I joined the Alumni Association as I mentioned earlier and also joined CULMEN the leadership program in arts & culture. Yay me. My friends in university are still pretty damn crazy and I kind of love them for that. 

I've been checking out some publishing agencies I didn't know about and have been thinking about submitting something soon. The only problem is I haven't had loads of time to rewrite TLS or the this new idea called Emma Knight. Which are all part of one big fantasy universe. And I really think I should at least finish the part one for both of this stories before even attempting to submit anything. 
I've baked some cupcakes, which were nice. And made a salmon appetizer for french class (recipe had to be said in french and everything) recipe that I will be sharing in this post. Although not in french ;) 

I am also tremendously happy in the love front. I sometimes snap and go crazy because it is still a little bit scary feeling such huge things for someone. But I am doing my best to work them out because this guy... he really is something. Not only our chemistry together is just overwhelming at times (if you know what I mean) but he is like really sweet and caring and haha makes me feel words aren't good enough to describe him... that's how I know he is something else. My friends, however, one went crazy and decided to spend this semester abroad. She is in France eating crepes all the time. Lucky her... she probably doesn't get sick. 

And we haven't exactly hanged a lot lately. School, work and life have gotten in the way of us being crazy and young together. And I miss them. Loads. 
We are planning a trip though. This March to Cocoyoc and it would be amazing if all of them got to go. Because we really have neglected each other this last couple of months. And I have a feeling it's going to be a little legendary. 

French Class Appetizer 
Slice 2 cucumbers in thin-ish slice. About 1 cm thick. Spread some cream cheese on top of them and place a little piece of smoked salmon on top. Drizzle some olive oil, lil bit of salt, lime juice and chopped chives over them and voila! 

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