Tuesday, 2 October 2012

On The Epic Meal, Friends and Thunderstruck

Say hello to the epic meal. 

Last Friday a friend of mine decided to celebrate his birthday hosting a meal of epic proportions.
He called it meat log. We ended up calling it Elmo. 

The meat was spread out on the counter. The meat was a delicious convo of ground beef with chorizo. Perfectly seasoned with salt and pepper. 

Then the cheese and bacon were added. 

And then the rolling began. 

That's my arm on the right ;) 

That's me all pretty in green :) patching the baby up before it went into the oven. 

And that's how the epic meal went down :) 
So as far as I know there are no pictures of the meat log-elmo after it came out of the oven.
However, I need to check, but let me tell you it was DELICIOUS. Like seriously mind blowing delicious. 

It took about two hours to cook. And while we did the waiting we got the party started ;) 
with thunderstruck 
These guys are amazing. 
I have the best time with them and just laugh the entire time we're together. 
It's funny, when you think we've haven't been hanging out for that long and how I couldn't imagine my life without them now. Sometimes I think we could be the kind of friends people write comedy shows about... 

Thunderstruck is a drinking game. 
A drinking game that is fun and crazy and fun again. 
Should you ever make an epic meal yourselves and have time to kill while it cooks. Do play it. Although chances are you'll need something to remind you that you have something cooking in the oven due to all the wicked fun. 

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